Bookings Overview
The second tab on the left menu of Courserev's dashboard is the Bookings page, where you can manage and review all tee time bookings made through the Courserev system. Here’s how the page is divided:
Upcoming Bookings:
This section displays all future bookings. You can see details of each booking, including the golfer’s name, date and time of the booking, and any payment status or special requests.
Past Bookings:
you’ll find records of all bookings that have already taken place. It includes every booking from the day prior up to when your account was first activated. Use this section to track player history or reference completed reservations.
Cancelled Bookings:
holds a log of all bookings that were canceled in the Courserev system. This can help you manage and review any cancellations and verify if any further actions are needed.
Expired Booking:
Bookings in this section were requested by a user but were not confirmed in time, causing them to expire. This can be helpful to monitor missed booking opportunities or if you need to follow up with golfers about unconfirmed requests.
With these pages, you can easily navigate and manage all your course’s bookings, ensuring you stay on top of upcoming tee times and past reservations.
For further information, watch the video tutorial on how to use the Bookings Page.
- Watch the video for more details: